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Fun Day for Simcha LaYeled Children

Malibu Boats Fun Day for Simcha LaYeled Children

As we do every year, we rally our customers, colleagues, friends, and Malibu boats for a day of fun at Ein Gev beach for the children of the Simcha LaYeled organization.

6 Malibu boats, customers, colleagues, and of course the Aqua Marina team met at Ein Gev beach with 150 children and guides from Simcha LaYeled, who were out for their traditional summer camp, for a fun day on the Sea of Galilee. We sailed from Ein Gev towards Tiberias, celebrated, sang, danced, and were especially proud to be part of such an important mission.

Thank you again to everyone who participated: Nitzan and the Ein Gev boat beach team, Tzvika, Oz, Shmulik, Dani, Ilan, Chazi, Eli, Ofer, and everyone else who took part in this exciting day.

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על ידי שליחת פנייה באמצעות טופס זה, אתה מאשר שאתה מכיר את מדיניות הפרטיות של Perfectus d.o.o. ומסכים עם זה. בכך אתה גם נותן הסכמה (אישור) לאיסוף ועיבוד של נתונים אישיים המפורטים בטופס, ואשר נחוצים על מנת שנוכל להיענות לבקשתך.